How are you?

All right, a bookish post was supposed to go up this week. However, as a normal human being, I had other important things to settle. Actually let me correct that, I am still on the process of settling things. But, I thought I better be a good blogger and go here to update on how... Continue Reading →

What’s up?

Hey guys! Is anyone really still reading this? I have been MIA from this blog for so long I have no idea if anybody is still reading this. I have no other reason to tell you besides life got soooo busy for me that I had to prioritize other things over the blog. Sadly... I... Continue Reading →

So I’m back (again?)

Apparently, I suck at making good of my resolutions. This blog, was one of those resolutions and as you may tell from the title and the first line, I failed - terribly at that. Anyway, I came on here today to write (obviously) and to just vent. This was, after all, the original purpose of... Continue Reading →

Why I’ve Been M.I.A.

Hello everyone! I missed doing this sooooo much! Today I have a rather chill post for y’all. Let’s chat.                 If you have been reading my blog prior to my major hiatus, then you would know that my posting schedule became rather erratic before completely stopping. Previously, I have tried to schedule my posts every... Continue Reading →

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