My First EVER Top Ten Tuesday


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the BookishGo and check them out because they have some amazing reviews for you!

Can you even believe this? If you know me, then maybe you do, haha! Anyway, ever since starting my blog, I have been scared of doing memes simply because I don’t know if I am ready for the ‘commitment’ it seems to come with,not to mention the themes you have to follow every week and the constant scrambling for things to put on your top ten and the constant agony of reducing stuff you love to fit it to a ten-point list. Okay… breathe. Basically what I’m trying to say is I didn’t think I could do it.


Since the beginning of this month I have been using (and having fun decorating) my DIY planner and so my life is slowly untangling. And so I felt braver than usual and decided to dive into this huge meme going around the blogosphere. (<– this, my friends, should be a legit word and not be disturbed by a stupid squiggly red line). Anyway, I know I am rambling and I am so sorry, this week’s theme is “Books that I’ve recently added to my TBR” and I am going to follow suit, but I’m just gonna tweak it up a bit. I have recently made this list of the top ten books I will make sure to read this 2016, so obviously, they will be on my TBR, right? Some of them aren’t very recent I’ll tell yah that but let’s just roll with it. Oh by the way, all pictures are linked to their Goodreads pages.


I mean people, if you haven’t read Air Awakens, what are you doing? Seriously, do it. I have been waiting for this book to arrive here where I live but I promise I will make sure I get this and the next one this year because Vhala and I have a lot to talk about.


Listen, everybody, EVERYBODY, has been raving about this book and I feel like I am missing out big time. I am looking forward to reading this book and see what my thoughts on it will be.


I enjoyed The Bone Season last year and I really wanted to know what happens next. And I just think Warden is worth all my time… Somehow this butterfly is beautiful but haunting at the same time.



If you want my honest opinion, I would disregard the covers totally. I read this book this year and I will make sure, so sure, to complete this series. ‘Cos you know, girl’s got a demon inside her meant to kill creatures with fangs who stay true to their sinister selves.


I have heard about Sarah J. Maas a lot and she has released a number of books and I wanted to start reading her creations this year and felt that ACOTAR would be the perfect start. I hear that it is a loose re-telling of Beauty and the Beast and I am so excited.


Technically, the whole Lunar Chronicles because fairy tales… yep.


Many people have recommended these books and Six of Crows by the same author. But all agreed that I should start with this trilogy first. This trilogy has received extremely polar review and so I am curious to know which side I will be on.


Ever since it came out I wanted to read this but somehow I haven’t gotten to so this year I will make sure to. This book is a re-telling of One Thousand and One Nights just with a murderous monster of a king. Sounds fun…


Look at that cover darlings, because that is how you do it. I have Cait of Paper Fury to blame for this. If you want to know what I am talking about, click that link and visit her blog. If you read her blog from here tell her I sent you! xo


If you watch YouTube videos about books, you should definitely check out Lindsey Rey’s channel because she has such book choices and her reviews and discussions are always fun and refreshing to watch. If you watch her through this tell her I sent you there okay? She was the one who introduced me to Brandon Sanderson who (shamefully) I have never heard of until she mentioned him in her videos (yes, a lot of them too!). So yeah, very excited for this.

If you are still reading this, well, you are committed! If you are now scoffing and saying I cheated because obviously there aren’t ONLY ten books on this list, I AGREE. But you know, the more the merrier? I will also be making a separate list for more contemporary/NA books I want to read so stay tuned for that. Thanks for reading!

What books will you recommend me read? What do you think of some of the books I have on this list? Which did you love? Which did you hate?

Happy Tuesday!

11 thoughts on “My First EVER Top Ten Tuesday

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    1. Thank you love! I am so so sorry I only replied now. somehow your comment landed on my spam folder and I always forget to check if I have pending comments there! Anyway, I have been nominated to this award previously and made a blogpost about it. Here is the link:
      HOWEVER, I will still make a blogpost about this and send you the link once I am done. I have to schedule it a bit since I have posts planned ahead 🙂 Also, I followed your blog too! I liked reading your answers to the questions given to you. I haven’t read Poison Study but I have heard it is really good. Thanks again for stopping by and nominating me!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Congrats on your first ever TTT!!!!! I try to do one every week but sometimes certain themes just doesn’t work for me so I cheat and skip it 😉 it’s kinda addicting and dangerous for your TBR list since it just grows and grows when u got about reading other’s ttt lists. I’m not particularly great about recommending but if I had to pick one of my all fave reads from last year (this does not mean the book was published in 2015) it would have to be A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I have been hearing a lot of things about Patrick Ness books as well but somehow they didn’t appeal to me as much! But I will definitely check this book out and read some reviews on it. Thanks again for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

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